Case Photos

Case 1

Upstairs unit of customer’s office has a large refrigeration unit. The cold temperature creates condensation on customer’s office ceiling below the refrigeration unit causing mildew throughout.

Ceiling Condition Before Applying Air Clean Wall diatomite (珪藻土) paint


Ceiling After Air Clean Wall diatomite (珪藻土) paint Applied without Ceiling being Cleaned or Prepped



Another Part of the Same Office Unit Affected by Mildew

Ceiling After Applying Air Clean Wall diatomite (珪藻土) paint

The ceiling area affected by condensation is still slightly moist due to condensation. This problem can only be resolved by the owner of the refrigeration unit upstairs, something which has not happened. However, no mildew appeared months after applying Air Clean Wall diatomite (珪藻土) paint due to the paint’s special moisture absorbing abilities.


Case 2

Water leaks around corner of window



After Air Clean Wall diatomite (珪藻土) paint applied


No water marks appeared after applying AirCleanWall paint even though nothing was done to repair the window.